Understanding States while Manifesting Specific Person (SP)

5 min readOct 18, 2023


In the law of assumption community, you might have heard of different terms like “Be in the state of wish fulfilled”, “State is the Key”, “Think from your desired reality”, “Embody the state of wish fulfilled”, “Live in the end”, “It is already done”, “What will you think if you are already in a beautiful relationship with your SP.” And because of so many terms, there is a lot of confusion in the community and from time to time I have received so many questions in my DM like

- What is the state of wish fulfilled?
- How to be in the state of wish fulfilled?
- What does it mean to embody the state?
- Do I need to act like I am already in a relationship?
- If I am affirming, does it mean I am embodying the state of wish fulfilled?
- Do we need to maintain the state of wish fulfilled all day long? and many more questions

In this post, I will explain everything that you need to know about states to manifest any of your desire and will clear all the confusion around states.

So let’s understand

What are States?
States simply mean what kind of thoughts (positive or negative) your conscious mind is focusing on with respect to your desire. So in the case of your SP (Specific Person) if your mind focuses on the problems, old stories or doing negative inner conversations it means your current state of mind at this particular time with respect to your SP is the state of complaining or the state of lack. And the more you dwell in this state daily, the more experiences and events will keep manifesting from this state in your 3D.

What are dominant states?
States (positive or negative) in which you dwell most of the time will become your dominant state of mind. Manifesting is the game of dominant states. While using any manifestation technique be it scripting, visualisation, affirming, listening to affirmations tapes using the parrot app or doing inner conversations we are dwelling in our desired state again and again and with time (varies from person to person) it becomes our dominant state of mind. Since our 3D is simply mirroring our dominant states, it will shift automatically.

What is the state of wish fulfilled?
When you think thoughts from your desired reality (e.g. already being in a beautiful relationship with your SP) and repeat it using any manifestation technique, then that state of consciousness is called the state of wish fulfilled, or we can also say you are embodying the state of wish fulfilled. And once you dwell in this desired state it will become the dominant state, and you will manifest your desire. You do not need to act like you are already in a relationship in your current reality, you just need to live that experience of wish fulfilled in your mind.

How to get into the state of wish fulfilled?
To get into the state of wish fulfilled, you need to be very clear about your desired reality or what you would like to manifest. Let’s understand it with an example.

Let’s suppose there is a Person A and a Person B. Currently, both are in no contact and would like to manifest a marriage with their SPs.

Person A likes to manifest in steps, and Person B would like a manifest marriage directly. Both ways are right. Since both have different manifesting preferences, then their desired reality would also vary

For Person A
Step1: Manifesting contact first with his/her SP — Desired reality would be already in a beautiful communication with SP
Step 2: Manifesting a beautiful and loving relationship — Desired reality would be already in a beautiful relationship with SP
Step 3: Manifesting a marriage proposal — Desired reality would be already in a beautiful marriage with SP

For Person B
Only Step — Manifesting a marriage proposal — Desired reality would be already in a beautiful marriage with SP

So once you are clear about your desired reality, then you should ask yourself these two questions

Question 1: Which is my preferred manifestation technique?
Question 2: If I am already in my desired reality right now, what would be my natural thoughts with respect to my desire?

Just to understand better and as an example, let me answer the above two questions:
Answer 1: I resonate more with affirming and affirmation tapes
Answer 2: Since I am a person who likes to manifest in steps. So to manifest communication with my SP, my natural thoughts with respect to my SP in my desired reality would be

1. Communication between me and SP is so beautiful and perfect.
2. SP is always messaging me and calling me.
3. We love to talk to each other for hours.

Now to embody the state of wish fulfilled, I just need to repeat the above three affirmations again and again. To maintain a clean mental diet, whenever I will notice no contact again in my 3D or SP crosses my mind, I will repeat the above three affirmations quickly in my mind again. In this way, with repetition and persistence, I will be making my state of wish fulfilled a dominant state of mind. You can also use “Isn’t wonderful — “ before your affirmations just to feel the naturalness of your affirmations.

How to handle 3D while in the state of wish fulfilled?
To handle the 3D, you need to learn to command your conscious mind. Anything your conscious mind is saying which is not aligned with your desired reality, you need to respond to your conscious mind and win over it. For example:

Conscious mind: You are just wasting your time, SP will not come back.
Responding to Conscious Mind: No, you are wrong!! My SP is already conforming. Communication between me and SP is already beautiful and perfect.

Basically, we won’t let our conscious mind send any negative stories to our subconscious mind. Initially, your conscious mind will fight back and make it hard. But you need to be disciplined and when you repeat the same positive affirmations again and again, your conscious mind will not have any choice but to follow your orders.

If you reacted or got triggered, you can revise it instantly and seem like nothing happened. And persist in embodying the state of wish fulfilled. In case you are having fearful or intrusive thoughts, you can do an affirmation rampage and win over your conscious mind.

Do we need to maintain the state of wish fulfilled all day long?
Every time you think about your SP, you need to embody the state of wish fulfilled and allow your conscious mind to only send favourable stories to your subconscious. If you think about your SP all day long, then the answer to the question is Yes!!

So I hope now you have a clear idea about states. Now I will wrap this post with a reminder that it might seem impossible right now to manifest your SP because of old stories. But your current 3D is just an illusion and result of old thoughts. If you keep shifting your focus on something you desire, your 3D will shift automatically. So don’t give up and learn to train your focus.

I intend this post was helpful if any questions, you can ask them in the comment section :)

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Law of Assumption - Manifesting Coach ❤️ Neville Goddard ❤️ Buy Self Concept Workbook or Book 1:1 Coaching Session - https://scaffirmations.com/book-session