Understanding Conscious Mind while Manifesting

4 min readSep 28, 2023


Once you keep winning the conscious mind by commanding it on what to do and where to focus, you will keep winning the manifestation game. Your conscious mind is very clever. During your manifestation journey, it will always try to put your focus back on the old story, it will always try to make unfavourable stories from 3D (current reality), and it will always try to explain to you with logic why what you are desiring is not possible, and you are just wasting time and fooling yourself.

Having the knowledge about the law of assumption and all the manifesting techniques is easy, but during your manifestation journey, the real work is the implementation and training the focus of your conscious mind. Your major focus of the conscious mind should be on the solution (living in the end) not on the problem (old story).

This means regardless of what is happening in the 3D or whether you are seeing any movement or no movement, your job as a manifestor is to persist and redirect your mind again and again to the solution (desired reality) and keep practicing living in the end.

As manifestors, the biggest struggle we face is when something triggering happens in the 3D, it could be seeing the opposite of what you have been affirming, stumbling upon your SP (Specific Person) with 3P (Third Party), not being able to manifest under a time crunch, manifestation taking too long, having less money and more bills or sometimes in general like we are having a bad day, as a result, we kind of start doubting the whole process of manifestation. Under any of such situations, our conscious mind becomes very strong, and we always end up having unfavourable inner conversations, which lead to resistance. And at that moment it may seem nothing is working out in our favour, and we are not in control of our reality (3D).

This is the exact time, you need to prevent your conscious mind from making unfavourable stories and redirecting its focus back to the solution. Take your time and get over with the reactions or triggers and get back to the manifestation game as soon as possible. Do not dwell on the unfavourable inner stories. Once you keep redirecting your mind on the solution (living in the end), you will get better and better at it and in no time you will have complete control over your conscious mind and sooner your conscious mind will have your new inner stories (affirmations) on autopilot instead of worrying or thinking negative thoughts.

This is exactly what we have been doing whenever we are practicing any manifestation technique with a clean mental diet. We are training our conscious mind to puts its major focus on the solution (living in the end). Once the conscious mind keeps majorly focusing on what you desire, it will develop respective core beliefs in the subconscious mind, and these new subconscious core beliefs will manifest your desired reality in the 3D.

So to become an effortless manifestor you need to be very good at commanding your conscious mind. From time to time in your manifestation journey, your conscious mind will try to explain things with logic or why what you are trying to manifest is not possible. It will provide you with evidence and would try to create doubts in your mind whenever your manifestation is taking a little longer, or you see no movement in the 3D or your 3D is very hard. But do not listen to your conscious mind and just trust the manifestation process and keep practicing living in the end.

When the old story is too strong or your current circumstances are quite hard, or you are having a bad day, then it is very hard to keep practicing living in the end. And under such situations, what has worked best for me is simply allowing myself to let these reactions or bad days pass by giving myself the required time and reminding myself once again of the basics of manifesting. And when I feel calm and relaxed, I resume my manifestation work.

You make your own rules in your manifestation journey. Go on this journey at your own pace and see what resonates with you the best. If somehow someway your current circumstances always get a reaction out of you, and it is too difficult for you to practice the manifestation. Then start with tiny steps and start learning to redirect your conscious focus slowly and at your own pace. And by taking these tiny steps again, and again, you will become better at managing your conscious focus.

Now I will wrap this post with my last point that, your conscious mind has the natural potential to compare your progress with others. So the next time you read any success story in the law of assumption community and your conscious mind asks why them, not me, or am I doing something wrong or tell you that you are just wasting your time, then you should command the conscious mind to stop and do not let it create any doubts or any unfavourable stories.

We all are unique and have our own unique core beliefs. So comparing our manifestation journey with someone would be not correct. Instead, test what resonates with you the best and manifest in your own ways and rules.

Now I will conclude this post in simple words that the better you become at controlling your conscious mind’s focus, the better you will become at manifesting.

I intend this post was helpful, if any questions, you can ask them in the comment section :)

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Law of Assumption - Manifesting Coach ❤️ Neville Goddard ❤️ Buy Self Concept Workbook or Book 1:1 Coaching Session - https://scaffirmations.com/book-session