Manifesting Specific Person (SP) back out of no contact

5 min readSep 21, 2023


Are you asking yourself these questions : “Can I manifest my SP (Specific Person) back after a bad breakup ?”, “Can I manifest my SP to contact me if I am blocked from everywhere ?” or “Can I still manifest my SP if there is 3P (Third Party) involved ?”

And the answer to all the above questions is 100% YES. Yes, you can manifest your SP back regardless of how bad was your breakup or how bad are your current circumstances.

Before getting to the solution to all the above questions, let’s understand once again the basics of manifesting.
1. We are always manifesting our core beliefs present in our subconscious mind.
2. By living in the end or the state of the wish fulfilled, we are changing those core beliefs.
3. Once any assumption is repeated, again and again, it will become your core belief and start reflecting in your 3D.

So if your core belief is “I am always loved and respected by everyone” then in your 3D or current circumstances you will see people are always loving and respecting you. But if for your SP you have an assumption “My SP does not love me and respect me” then this assumption will override your core belief and in your 3D (current reality) everyone will show you love and respect except your SP. To receive love and respect from SP as well, you have to change that assumption about the SP into “My SP always loves and respects me.”. Then your SP will start mirroring your assumption about him/her once impressed on the subconscious mind.

Now let’s understand the solution:
You might be thinking about your SP every second of the day and trying to figure out why this breakup happened, what could have been done better to avoid the breakup, or might be feeling hopeless and rejected.

In the manifesting law of assumption community, we call this an old story. Your old story includes everything unfavorable which has happened in the past. Since you are thinking about your old story again and again, as a result, it has impressed on your subconscious and become part of your core beliefs. Since we are always manifesting our core beliefs, your 3D will be projecting events and circumstances in a way which will always make you think more about the breakup. And you might feel stuck in the current reality.

So to manifest your SP back, you need to remove the old story from the subconscious mind by following these steps
1. Removing limiting beliefs with respect to SP
2. Removing limiting beliefs around love and relationship area (Self Concept)
3. Living in the end + Mental Diet

Step1: Removing limiting beliefs with respect to SP
Check all the complaints you have with regard to your SP, or What are you thinking when you think about your SP. You will be able to catch your limiting beliefs and later change them into positive affirmations.

For example — You might be thinking something like
1. “My SP is so stubborn, he will never contact me again” — Limiting belief (LB)
“My SP always initiate a conversation with me, since he/she loves talking to me”
— Changed into positive affirmations
2. “My SP might find someone better than me”
— LB
“I am the most desired and wanted, I am the best option for my SP.”
— Changed into positive affirmations

So in this way catch all your limiting beliefs and change them into positive affirmations. And you will have your list of SP affirmations.

Step2: Removing limiting beliefs around love and relationship area
You might be feeling hopeless, not loved or rejected because of the breakup. And you might be thinking why relationships never work for you or why it is so hard to have a beautiful relationship. Catch all those questions that you are asking yourself, those all are your limiting beliefs and change them into positive affirmations.

For example
1. Why relationships never worked for me and I always end up with break up — Limiting belief
“I always have a beautiful, loving and committed relationship with my SP”-
Changed into positive affirmations
2. “I am not feeling loved and important”
— Limiting belief
“I am the most desired, loved and wanted person in the world”
- Changed into positive affirmations

So in this way catch all your limiting beliefs and change them into positive affirmations. And you will have your list of self-concept affirmations.

Step 3: Living in the end + Mental Diet
Living in the end or the state of the wish fulfilled means now all your problems have been solved, and you are focusing on celebrating your success. Which means you are already enjoying and celebrating your loving and committed relationship with SP. Once you have both the list of self-concept affirmations and SP affirmations from Step 1 and Step 2, you need to repeat those affirmations again and again in your mind 2 to 4 times in a day (living in the end) and for the rest of the day whenever you think about SP, repeat some affirmations from the list again (maintaining mental diet).

You should be saying your affirmations from the mindset that you have your desire now, not repeating them from the mindset which is trying to manifest the desire. Your affirmations are like you are celebrating your success.

Once you practice living in the end every day and maintain a clean mental diet, your subconscious mind will start overriding the old story into new positive core beliefs. Since we are always manifesting our core beliefs, your 3D will automatically start projecting your new core beliefs.

Did you notice in the above solution, we did not touch the 3D (current reality)or tried to change the SP, We just focused on changing our core beliefs. Since your SP is part of your 3D, he/she will change automatically. Your SP will get a strong urge to unblock you from everywhere and restart communication with you.

Common questions while manifesting SP back

I feel a strong urge to contact my SP, what should I do ?
I would say yes!! You can contact your SP and your SP will be reflecting your current core beliefs. But before making the contact, train your mind that you will be focusing on living in the end, regardless of what will be output.

When it is going to happen, I want my SP back sooner ?
The time it takes to manifest something is directly proportion to the time it takes to impress your subconscious mind. Since everyone is different, so the time varies for everyone. Instead, if you are living in the end of having your desire already, you won’t be asking this question.

Reminders while Manifesting SP back
1. Your focus should not be on the no contact, instead focus on already have the desire
2. Your SP has no free will
3. Stop checking 3D for the validation

Now I will wrap this post by saying this again, YES!! You can manifest your SP back, just start practicing manifesting more and more in your life. If you are new to the law of assumption, you can start with something small and first manifest it. This will build your confidence in manifesting. And the more you practice manifesting, easier it will get for you.

I intend this post was helpful, if any questions, you can ask them in the comment section :)

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Law of Assumption - Manifesting Coach ❤️ Neville Goddard ❤️ Buy Self Concept Workbook or Book 1:1 Coaching Session -