Manifesting a New Version of Specific Person (SP)

6 min readSep 25, 2023


Your SP is always reflecting or mirroring your core beliefs and assumptions you have about him/her. To manifest a new version of your SP you need to work on your core beliefs and your focus should be only on the desired version of your SP in your mind. With persistence, these new core beliefs and assumptions will impress on your subconscious mind and your SP will start reflecting the new desired version.

You do not need to ask or convince your SP to change, you just need to do the inner work and SP will be mirroring back all of your assumptions (affirmations) and core beliefs.

So the Formula to Manifest a New Version of SP is simple
Self concept (90% Focus — working on core beliefs) + SP affirmations (10% Focus — Focusing on desired version of SP) + Mental Diet + Persistence = New Version of SP

Step1: Self-concept (90% Focus — working on core beliefs)
You might be asking why one should put 90% focus on self-concept, let me explain it with an example. One of my clients asked me why her SP is showing cold behaviour and ignoring her ? She was not at all thinking about such thoughts, then why it did manifest? And the reason was she had some limiting beliefs like fear of rejection, fear of losing her SP, people never staying in her life etc. which were reflected in her 3D as events and circumstances. So by working on self-concept, we are removing all those limiting beliefs and building a strong base to let our manifestations stay in our lives after we have successfully manifested them.

Step2: SP affirmations (10% Focus — Focusing on the desired version of SP) Ask yourself what is the desired version of your SP, what he/she is doing for you. How does he/she make you feel? How you guys are spending time together? What are the things you guys are doing together? So ask yourself these questions and put your focus on the desired version of your SP only in your mind. The more you focus on it, the sooner your subconscious mind will get impressed with this new story, and you will manifest the desired version of your SP.

Step3: Mental Diet + Persistence
Maintain a clean mental diet all day long. Your thoughts are also your affirmations, make sure your thoughts are focused on the new story. You might have a question, does it mean I need to flip all my negative thoughts? The answer is NO!! You don’t, you just need to acknowledge your negative thoughts by saying “Oh I have these negative thoughts, they are the part of my old story, which does not matter now, these negative thoughts have no power now.”

You will notice once you acknowledge your negative thoughts properly, they won’t bother you anymore. Now to persist, you need to practice self-concept and Sp affirmations every day while maintaining a clean mental diet.

During this manifesting journey, you might be doing all the above three steps perfectly some days, but sometimes you might find yourself struggling at one of the steps or two of them or sometimes all three steps. Which is completely normal since we are humans. Your job as a manifestor is to let the bad days, triggers, and reactions pass and resume your manifesting work again. Having bad days, reactions or triggers won’t ruin your manifestation.

But the question is, Why do we struggle? And the most common answer that I have seen among my clients is because of strong unfavourable circumstances. That makes you feel nothing is working out in your life and everything is going against you, and your day might be full of triggers and feeling low. But let me tell you one thing with surety, YOU CAN STILL MANIFEST THE DESIRED VERSION OF YOUR SP regardless of how your current circumstances are.

Let’s discuss some case scenarios where circumstances are very strong and how to deal with them effectively

Case1: Your SP is the centre of your Happiness
If you are always looking for some actions (messaging/calling/meeting you) from your SP so that you can feel better, and you are always trying to manipulate the 3D by convincing them or spamming them with your messages and calls, then this needs to be solved. This behaviour is coming from a state of lack and you are trying so hard to change him/her in the 3D so that you can feel better, and eventually you are putting your SP on the pedestal.

Case1: Solution
Start working on your Self Concept. Read my last post “Manifesting SP out of no contact”, in that post on Step 2 I mentioned how to make your self-concept affirmations. To start with, you can come up with the top 10 self-concept affirmations and start reading/listening to that list multiple times a day. You will notice once you keep practicing self-concept affirmations every day, your state of lack you had before will start fading away, and you will automatically put yourself on the pedestal.

Case2: Your SP always get a reaction out of you
When you are in circumstances where your SP always triggers you and gets a reaction out of you because of his/her unfavourable behaviour, and and it is very difficult to even do the manifesting work because all day you are spiralling and feeling low.

Case2: Solution
Before discussing the solution, let me mention that although we are aware that we are the creator of our reality, it does not mean accepting any unfavourable behaviours from others and being a doormat. You should always set some boundaries which no one can cross.

Now let’s discuss the solution

Step 1: You always put yourself first
As I mentioned above, you should not be accepting any disrespectful behaviour from anyone. Instead, you should set some boundaries and put your peace of mind as the top priority. After setting some boundaries now your job is to do all three steps which I mentioned earlier in this post to manifest the desired version of your SP.

Step 2: Train your mind upfront for reactions and triggers
Let’s suppose you are living with your SP and you face him/her every day and somehow, someway they always get a reaction out of you. And you might end up being very angry and reacting 10/10. With this angry state of mind, it is very difficult to practice manifesting.

But you can decrease your reaction from 10/10 to 9/10 to 8/10 and so on by training your mind upfront. For example, you can do some inner conversation with yourself like “I know my SP always do this and which makes me angry and triggers me, but now when my SP will do this again, I will remind myself that this version of SP is just the result of my old dominant thoughts, since now I am working on my manifestation, my circumstances will change into being favourable.” So basically what we are doing here is training our minds to stop reacting to the 3D and focus more on the manifesting work.

But let me remind it again, training your mind to decrease your reactions does not mean accepting disrespectful behaviours from anyone. It simply means to make an effort to not make any unfavourable stories from the 3D and put more focus on your manifesting work.

Now I will warp this post with some reminders
1. Your SP has to conform to your new inner story since he has no free will
2. Your current strong circumstances will change into favourable circumstances once you change your inner story
3. It is okay to have bad days, react and get triggered during your manifestation journey, it will not ruin your manifestation
4. Your thoughts are also your affirmations, check your mind and what it is thinking all day long

I intend this post was helpful, if any questions, you can ask them in the comment section :)

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Law of Assumption - Manifesting Coach ❤️ Neville Goddard ❤️ Buy Self Concept Workbook or Book 1:1 Coaching Session -