Importance of Self Concept while
Manifesting your Specific Person (SP)

6 min readSep 19, 2023


Are you manifesting your SP back who has blocked you or with whom you had a bad breakup? Or are you manifesting a new version of SP which is right now unfavourable? Or are you manifesting a new SP, but you don’t know from where you should start your manifestation journey, then this post is for you. In this post, I will be covering everything that you need to do to manifest your desires.

So let’s start with the basics of manifesting that we are always manifesting what we are, not what we want. What does that mean? It simply means whatever core inner beliefs you have in different areas of life be it in love, relationships or money, your 3D or current circumstances are perfectly reflecting or mirroring those core inner beliefs right now.

There are only two kinds of beliefs :
1. Positive or strong beliefs
2. Negative or limiting beliefs

Your positive beliefs create favorable experiences and negative beliefs are the main reason for all your struggles, reactions or triggers. You might have positive or strong beliefs in one area of your life, but you struggle in other areas because of negative or limiting beliefs in those areas. This is the very reason you might be doing well in your career and earning a good amount of money but at the same time you are struggling in love and relationship areas because of some limiting beliefs.

By working on the self-concept, we are removing such limiting beliefs and developing more strong and positive beliefs in our subconscious minds. And once we have more strong and positive core inner beliefs, your 3D or circumstance will automatically start reflecting those new positive and strong beliefs.

There might be a question in your mind, can we manifest our SP without working on self-concept or without removing limiting beliefs? And the answer is YES!! You can. But your manifestation won’t sustain in your life because you did not work on those limiting beliefs which caused the breakup or no contact in the first place, and you will experience something similar to your past since you are still the same version or your core beliefs are still the same.

So working on the self-concept is very important, and it should be your major focus while manifesting your SP or any other desires. I always suggest my clients to focus 90% of their manifestation work on their self-concept and put only 10% on their SP or Sp affirmations. This will help you to develop a strong base to maintain and sustain any of your manifestations once manifested.

Now let’s cover how to exactly manifest SP in different case scenarios

Manifesting SP (Specific Person) back when in No Contact
If you are in no contact with your SP no matter how long it has been months or years, no matter how this no contact happened, was it your fault or your SP’s fault, all of the above things do not matter, and it is just a part of the old story and your old story does not matter now. I can completely understand you might be thinking about your SP every second of the day and might be missing them badly, and you might have a strong urge to contact them and ask them to change so that you can feel better.

But let me tell you one thing regardless of what is your old story or how bad you might be feeling right now, YOU CAN STILL MANIFEST YOUR SP BACK!!

Now let’s cover how exactly to manifest it.

Step 1: Calm yourself and handle Resistance
The first step is handling the resistance you might have right now and calming yourself. You might be missing your SP badly or might be still thinking about the fight or how this no contact happened. Let me tell you one thing, it is okay to feel those emotions since we are humans, and you still can manifest your SP back. If you need more details about how to handle the resistance, you can check my post about the same, which I posted few weeks back on this page. Just to give you overview, whatever you resist it will persist. So if you have resistance do not ignore it or fight it, simply allow yourself to have it and let it pass without resisting or dwelling on it.

Step 2: Start working on your Self-concept — 90% focus
Let’s create a strong base or strong positive core inner beliefs by working on your self-concept so that you will never face any unfavorable experience again. In this step, you should be working on your limiting beliefs. Identify your limiting beliefs and remove them permanently. You can read the detailed post which I wrote about the same. It will guide you on how to find those limiting beliefs. Once you identified your limiting belief, turn them into positive affirmations and read them every day multiple times.

For example: My SP will never forgive me for what I did, which caused the no-contact — Limiting Belief
My SP understands my perspective now as well, why I did what I did and SP still loves me — Changing a limiting belief into a positive affirmation

In the same way, find all the limiting beliefs and change them into positive affirmations.

Step 3: Ideal version of SP — 10% focus
What is your ideal version of SP, is it someone who is blowing your phone with all the messages and phone calls, or is it someone who is always showering love on you? Think about it and make some affirmations for the same.

Step 4: Persistence and Mental Diet
This is the most important step, once you have your list of affirmations from Step 2 and Step 3, read it every day 3 to 4 times. We are practicing living in the end here or the state of wish fulfilled. And for the rest of the day, whenever you think about your SP, quickly say a few affirmations about your SP in your mind. If you have any negative thoughts, simply acknowledge them by saying these negative thoughts are just part of my old story, and they have no power now.

Manifesting a new version of SP (Specific Person)
If you are already with your SP, but the current version is unfavourable or your SP behaviour always triggers you, even then you can manifest a completely new version of your SP by improving your self concept and doing positive assumptions/affirmations about SP. Just to mention one thing, although we all know that everyone is us pushed out, it does not mean to be a doormat and allow unfavorable behaviors. You should always set some boundaries which no one can cross.

All the four steps to manifest a new version of SP would be the same as I mentioned above, just in this particular case you need to be very good at giving no reaction to your 3D. Whenever you experience something triggering in your 3D, remind yourself that your 3D is going to change since now you are changing your inner story.

Manifesting New SP
Write down a list of all the traits of your ideal SP, and then ask yourself what would be the self-concept if you already have your SP in your life. Whatever comes to your mind, write it down — those will be your self-concept affirmations. And for SP affirmations, ask yourself what would be your experience if you are already with SP. Now practice living in the end or the state of wish fulfilled by reading those affirmations 3 to 4 times a day and for the rest of the day maintain a good mental diet.

Now I will wrap this post with a reminder that your SP does not have free will and your current circumstances do not matter, it will change once you change what’s in your subconscious mind.

I intend this post was helpful, if any questions, you can ask them in the comment section :)

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