Importance of Mental Diet While Manifesting

5 min readSep 26, 2023


Manifesting is not just about doing manifesting techniques, it is a moment-by-moment choice and redirecting your focus on the solution regardless of what is happening in your current reality (3D). Your conscious mind is very clever, and its job is to make favourable and unfavourable assumptions out of your current reality (3D) and feed them to your subconscious mind. And based on those assumptions your subconscious mind develops your core beliefs and those core beliefs construct your current reality, events and experiences in your life.

As manifestor, our only job is to do one thing, i.e. to prevent our conscious mind to feed unfavourable assumptions to the subconscious mind. This is exactly what we are doing whenever we are practicing living in the end using any manifesting technique or embodying the state of the wish fulfilled. We are feeding new desirable assumptions from the desired reality which we would like to experience. And with repetition and persistence, the subconscious mind develops respective new core beliefs and constructs a new desired reality for you.

You might have a great understanding of manifesting and might be doing all the manifesting techniques perfectly twice or thrice in a day or whenever you feel inspired, but if you do not keep a check on your mind where it is focusing the rest of the day (mental diet) then mixed assumptions would be sent to your subconscious mind and respectively mixed results will manifest in your reality.

This is the very reason why people experience hot and cold behaviour from their SPs (Specific Persons), or they struggle with manifesting any of their desire because they just focus on the solution only when they are doing their manifesting techniques and for rest of the day they keep doubting, looking for validation in the 3D and let their mind make unfavourable stories.

To better understand the concept, let’s see some practical examples of maintaining a clean mental diet under different case scenarios.

Mental Diet while Manifesting SP (Specific Person) back
Suppose you are in no contact, and you are practicing your preferred manifesting technique every day twice/thrice or whenever you feel inspired. And for the rest of the day, whenever a thought related to your SP comes into your mind or your mind starts to focus on the old story, you need to intentionally redirect your mind to the solution. You can also repeat some mix of self-concept and SP affirmations like

“I know I am always chosen”, “My SP has all of his/her eyes on me and only me” and “I am too important to lose” or any affirmations you like until you feel neutral or calm.

Sometimes the old story is too strong, and it is very difficult to redirect your mind, and you always end up reacting or spiralling and feeling anxious. For such cases, you need to first calm yourself and understand that you are the creator of your reality and with the knowledge of this law YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR CURRENT CIRCUMSTANCES. If it is difficult for you to practice manifestation, then you can start small and go at your pace. You can also use a revision technique to revise your past.

Mental Diet while Manifesting a New Version of SP
If you are already with your SP and you are experiencing hot and cold behaviour then you should correct your mental diet and this hot and cold behaviour will fade away. This means if you called your SP and he/she did not pick up the call or he/she has seen your message and did not reply, instead of making unfavourable stories in your mind, train your mind to keep practicing living in the end. This is where your strong self-concept supports you. Saying “I am having a strong self-concept” and “actually having it” are two different things. If you have a strong self-concept you won’t be bothered by it since you know “You are always chosen”, “You are the most interesting and the desired person.” and “Your SP is not going anywhere”. So people who are manifesting a new version of SP or SP back, I always suggest they should work on their self-concept. Because your strong self-concept will support you and make your manifesting journey easy.

Mental Diet while having Negative Thoughts
Whenever you have too many negative thoughts, do not try to maintain a mental diet or try to flip all of your negative thoughts. This will make you crazy. Instead, acknowledge those negative thoughts and respond to them “I know I am having too many negative thoughts and I allow them to pass. I do not need to fight or ignore them since they have no power and I can still manifest exactly what I desire, even though I have these many negative thoughts.” By doing this inner conversation you will find yourself in a neutral or calm state, and then you can resume your mental diet.

Mental Diet when you are doubting the Manifesting Process
This mostly happens when it has been a long time since you are practicing manifestation, but you see no movement in the 3D or when you are too concerned about the timeline and how it is doing to manifest. During such doubts just remind yourself of the basics of manifesting. It could be possible you might not see the movement in 3D, but it does not mean there is no movement, so trust the process and leave the how and when to the universe. You can practice some inner conversations as part of a mental diet like “I know I have doubts in my mind, I allow myself to have these doubts and still, I can manifest exactly what I desire, I trust the process.”

Mental Diet when you see the opposite in your 3D
This could be the most triggering moment in your manifestation journey. But during such time you can practice some inner conversations like “I do not accept this current reality as my final reality, this will change since I am focusing on a new inner story and I do not let this 3D make unfavourable stories in my mind. I know I am the person who manifests exactly what I desire.”

Mental Diet while Manifesting Money
Whenever you notice a lack of money in your 3D or when you are paying your bills or whenever you are feeling anxious about having less money, always affirm in your mind “I am the money magnet”, “Every dollar I spend 10 times come back to me” or something similar. What exactly we are doing here is that we are preventing our conscious mind to send unfavourable money stories to our subconscious mind. Doing this process will strengthen your money core beliefs, and you will notice a positive shift in your 3D.

Now I will wrap this post with a reminder that your thoughts are also your affirmations, so always keep a check on where your mind is focusing all day long. It does not matter how bad was your past experience or how broke you are or what your SP has said to you, with this law you can change any situation in your favour. Practice manifestation on daily basis, even your small manifestation success will help to build your confidence and guide you to manifest big things into your life.

I intend this post was helpful, if any questions, you can ask them in the comment section :)

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Law of Assumption - Manifesting Coach ❤️ Neville Goddard ❤️ Buy Self Concept Workbook or Book 1:1 Coaching Session -