Importance of Core Beliefs While
Manifesting Specific Person (SP)

6 min readOct 4, 2023


Your current reality is the perfect reflection of your current core beliefs present in your subconscious mind. All your current experiences and events are being constructed by the combination of these core beliefs. If you do not like your current reality (3D), you can always change it by simply working on these core beliefs. Our subconscious mind does not have any eyes, it simply believes whatever our conscious mind keep repeating to it. So if you keep repeating something favourable, respective favourable core beliefs will develop in your subconscious mind, which will create favourable events and circumstances in your life.

It is completely possible you might have strong or positive core beliefs in one area of your life, but struggles in other areas because of negative or limiting core beliefs. In whatever area you would like to improve, be it love life or being financial free, you need to catch your negative or limiting beliefs and change them into strong and positive core beliefs with the help of repetition.

Let’s understand the importance of core beliefs with the help of the diagram. Suppose you are manifesting your SP and you are struggling in your current reality (RC) and your desired reality is RD, where you are with the desired version of your SP. The different colour flags attached to both realities are your core beliefs. Where green flags represents your strong self concept core beliefs, yellow flags are your strong SP core beliefs and red flags are your limiting beliefs.

Since in your current reality (RC) you have more limiting beliefs (red flags) and less positive beliefs, as a result your subconscious mind will keep creating the same unfavourable and favourable experiences and events based on the combination of all limiting and positive core beliefs attached to your current reality. So to improve your experience or to change any unfavourable circumstances, you need to remove limiting beliefs (red flags) attached to the respective reality.

This is exactly what we are doing whenever we are practicing living in the end or embodying the state of wish fulfilled by using any manifesting technique or whenever we are listening to affirmation tapes. We are shifting our focus on the solution by simply repeating the opposite of our limiting beliefs. And with repetition and persistence, limiting beliefs will change into strong/positive core beliefs, and we will experience a new desired reality (RD). Since now in your desired reality (RD as per the diagram) you have more strong/positive core beliefs (green and yellow flags), your 3D or current circumstance will automatically will be favourable.

So if you are manifesting your SP, you should ask yourself these questions to identify your current core beliefs (positive and negative) around love and relationship area
1. What are my general beliefs about love and relationships ?
2. What is my current self concept ?
3. What are my complaints about SP ?
4. What are my general beliefs about men/women ?

To understand it better, let me answer these questions just for an example. My answers will give you an idea about how to catch your limiting beliefs.

Question: What are my general beliefs about love and relationships ?
Answer: Since your current reality is perfectly mirroring the core beliefs in your subconscious mind, so your past relationships and complaints about love and relationships will highlight some of your limiting beliefs. So if you are the one who had series of failed relationships, and you might be the one who was always pursuing and chasing your SP or you always find it hard to be with someone.

Then this indicates these limiting beliefs
1. It is so difficult for me to be successful in relationship — Limiting Belief (LB) 2. I am not good enough — LB
3. I should always pursue or chase, else SP will find someone better than me — LB
4. Maybe this is how life is supposed to be, everything works for the best — LB

Question: What is my current self concept ?
Answer: How you are seeing yourself with respect to the thing you are manifesting is your self concept.
So if you are manifesting love and relationship, what are your doubts, fears and complaints about yourself.
1. Do you feel you are not chosen, loved and desired. — Limiting Belief (LB)
2. Do you fear other person always leave you — LB
3. Do you think you always end up chasing and pursing — LB
4. Do you think people easily get bored with you — LB
5. Do you always feel insecure in your relationship — LB

Question: What are my complaints about SP ?
Answer: It is possible you might have strong core beliefs about love and relationship or have strong self concept, but if you have some specific assumptions about your SP, then your SP will mirror those assumptions. For example, if you have strong core belief that “I am always loved and chosen” and “I always have the most beautiful relationships in my life” but for your SP if you are complaining “why your SP is not showing any interest or love” then this assumption will override your strong core beliefs. So you should always have favourable assumptions about your SP as well.

Question:What are my general beliefs about men/women ?
Answer: This is also one of the most important question to address. In my coaching session with clients they have claimed that they are doing all the manifesting work perfectly but once I ask this question most of them has said “Men are just looking for sex, Men are not ready for the commitment, Women are looking for more successful guys etc.” So you need to catch all of your limiting beliefs about men/women and change them into positive affirmations. You are perfect just the way you are, your SP will choose you since he/she has no free will. So stop self sabotaging yourself by thinking you are not good enough because of any reason.

Now this post is not to make you feel scared that I might have so many limiting beliefs that is why it is taking so long to manifest my SP or I might be doing something wrong that is why I am not able to see any movement in the 3D. Let me tell you one thing that you can manifest your SP by simply working on your SP affirmation or practicing the state of wish fulfilled.
But let suppose you have a limiting belief that “I always have failed relationships in my life” and you manifested your SP back by just working on your SP affirmations. Since you did not remove that limiting belief, you won’t be able to sustain your manifestation until and unless you have affirmed specifically or generally that “Your relationship with your SP is meaningful and successful.” So it is very important to catch your limiting beliefs and removing them.

Now I will wrap this post with a reminder that to manifest any of your desire, maintaining a clean mental diet is very important. If you maintain a clean mental diet, regardless of which manifesting technique you are practicing, you will always have more positive/strong core beliefs and your current reality will automatically will be favourable. So always have a clean mental diet.

I intend this post was helpful, if any questions, you can ask them in the comment section :)

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