How Manifesting is all about YOU

4 min readSep 24, 2023


Manifesting is all about you, you are manifesting whatever you have impressed on your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind takes orders from the conscious mind and obeys them without any question. To manifest any of our desires we simply have to give the same order to our subconscious mind again and again and it gets impressed and our desires get manifest into our reality.

So the formula to manifest anything is the same regardless of what you are manifesting.
Living in the end (using any technique, giving orders to the subconscious mind) + Persistence (Repetition of living in the end, giving orders again and again) + Mental Diet = Impressing the subconscious mind = Successful manifestation

We are the only ones who can and will be giving orders to our subconscious mind and the rest of the world which includes everything be it people, jobs, money etc will be just mirroring the impressed thoughts/affirmations/stories of your subconscious mind.

Statements like “No one is separate from you”, “We all are connected” or “No one to change but self” is correct and will make more sense when we think of manifesting from the perspective that to manifest anything we just need to impress the subconscious mind with new desirable stories.

The formula to manifest is simple but still, some are masters at manifesting and some are struggling, Why is that?

Both a master manifestor and a person who is struggling have the same information, they both know the same formula to manifest but why then their results are different?

And the answer to the above question is — The FOCUS. Where your focus goes it grows. If you analyse any master manifestor, you can pick any of your favourite coaches — You will see these are the common traits you will see in all of them

1. They are the most self-aware people
2. They know how to deal with resistance or any negative thoughts
3. Their belief, faith and confidence in the law are unshaken
4. They know how to deal with triggers easily and effectively
5. They know how to handle 3D effectively

So is that mean a person who is master at manifesting does not have bad days, does not have triggers!! No, they do, but they are very good at bringing themselves back to the right track of manifesting every single time. And that should be your aim too!!

So manifesting is all about what’s going inside your mind. It has nothing to do with your SP, your dream job, or the money you would like to manifest. All these things are just the reflection of your subconscious mind. If in your subconscious mind you are in a loving and joyful relationship then your SP has no choice but to mirror back your subconscious beliefs and stories. Everyone and everything in this world is you pushed out.

Let’s cover why people then struggle while manifesting if it is just a simple process. Some of the most common reasons are below

1. Continuously checking 3D and making stories out of it
2. Doubting the manifesting process
3. Looking for validations in 3D
4. Believing in your logical mind, which tells you why your desire is not possible
5. Wonder about how and when it is going to happen

For all the above reasons your focus shifts from living in the end to something undesirable and your mind start making undesirable stories. This means now your conscious mind is giving undesirable orders to your subconscious mind.

And if you do not stop this process at the very beginning, you might end up spiralling or it seems you do not have any control over your reality.

Just to mention it is okay to have bad days, it is okay to doubt the process, and it is okay if something in your 3D triggers you and you reacted. All of the above things are okay since we all are humans. Be gentle with yourself, be your friend and give yourself the time to get calm and relax first and then put yourself back on the right track of manifestation.

Manifesting is a journey and you will grow with it. You will notice that every time you put yourself back on the right track even after reacting or having a bad day, those triggers will affect you less and less in future because now you know how to deal with them and eventually you will also be a master manifestor.

So manifesting is all about being self-aware and knowing what is going on inside your mind. It is a favourable story or not. If it is not a favourable story you need to work on it and change it. That is why manifesting is all about you vs you. It was never You vs Your SP or You vs The Money or whatever. It is always about YOU and only YOU.

So I hope this post was helpful and you get a good idea about how manifesting is all about you and your subconscious mind. If you still have any questions you can ask them in the comment section :)

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