Be your friend while Manifesting any of your desire

5 min readSep 18, 2023


Manifesting is a skill, and to develop any skill requires practice and discipline. Once you keep practising the new skill every day, you will get better and better at it. Everyone is different, and everyone learns and develops a new skill differently. In this manifesting law of assumption community, you will find different ways and techniques to manifest your desires, find the one which resonates with you the best, that you can practice every day and stay consistent with it.

While learning anything new, there are always some days when you will find it difficult to continue or practice, and it might seem nothing is working out in your favor. This is the exact time you need to be your friend and back yourself with your support.

This is the exact time you tell yourself no matter how hard it is, no matter how hard the 3D is right now, I am not going to give up since I am a person who manifests exactly what I desire, and I will manifest exactly what I desire regardless of my current circumstances. This small inner conversation will help you to face the challenging time and help you to proceed with your manifesting journey.

Promise Yourself
When you give a promise to your friend that you will be there to support, whenever he/she needs it and being a good friend, you always stand by your words. Do the same for yourself. Promise yourself not to give up on your manifestation journey. So once you decide to manifest any of your desire, back it up with your support and stick to your decision.

Do not change your decision every day because you are not sure when and how it is going to manifest. When and how is not your job to figure it out. Your job is simply to practice living in the end and send favourable orders to your subconscious mind from the conscious mind.

Stop Comparing Yourself
As I mentioned earlier, everyone is different. Everyone learns and develops skills differently. Everyone has different beliefs, circumstances, upbringing, and neurological patterns. So if you see someone manifesting quicker and faster than you, it does not mean you are doing something wrong. You should only be comparing you with yourself. Analyse yourself, how far you have come. If some things used to get a reaction out of you, but now you stay calm and relaxed, that is progress.

And while manifesting you should only be looking for such progress and thanking yourself for coming this far rather than feeling down when you see other people manifesting faster.

Reactions and Triggers
Reactions and triggers are part of the manifestation journey. We all reacted at some point during this journey. It is okay to have those reactions, triggers or bad days. I consider these reactions as a gift. Because these reactions or triggers will help you to identify your limiting beliefs. And once you know your limiting beliefs, it is easy to work on them and remove them permanently from your subconscious mind. I promise you, that you will not miss your manifestation because of your reactions or triggers.

So if you find yourself reacting to something, be your friend and give yourself your support and let the reaction pass. And once you find yourself in a neutral, calm and relaxed state, resume your manifestation work. You will notice as you keep practising manifestation, your reactions and triggers will also decrease to none. So don’t be afraid of your reactions, instead take feedback from it to identify your limiting beliefs.

Make yourself a priority
You should always treat yourself in a way you would like others to treat you. Go date yourself, cook your favourite food, buy something which you would always want to buy. Celebrate your progress and see how far you have come in your manifestation journey. Now there might be a question in your mind, is it necessary to manifest? And the answer is NO!! It is not necessary, but you should be doing this regardless you are practising manifestation or not. Your ultimate goal should be to maintain your peace of mind and enjoy your life as it is. It should not be like I will only enjoy my life once I will have my SP (Specific Person) back, or I will manifest this amount of money. NO!! Enjoy your life regardless you are with your SP or not. You should not put your life on hold for anyone or anything.

Put yourself on the Pedestal
This point is especially for those who are manifesting their SP back or a new version of SP. I have seen this multiple times among my clients that they make manifesting SP all about their SPs. Like their focus is so much on the SP, what SP is doing, SP did this, SP posted this and that, and they are always making stories out of it and end up reacting to it and feel nothing is working out for them.

So I always give this analogy to my clients that “You are the cake” and your SP is just a “Cherry on the top”. Which simply means you are more important than any of your manifestations. So your main focus should only be on you and your self-concept. You should always be on the pedestal. How to be on the pedestal all the time? And the answer is by working on your self-concept. Put your 90% focus on your self-concept and 10% focus on your SP. Eventually, you will notice as your self-concept improves, you will automatically find yourself on a pedestal.

Validate Yourself
While manifesting anything, you should not be checking 3D for validations. For example — let’s say you are practising self-concept and affirming “I am the most attractive and magnetic person in the world.” later if you are checking people if they are attracted to you or find you as a magnetic person then you are doing nothing but acting from the state of lack, and you are giving away your power in the hands of other people. Instead, you should be validating yourself regardless of what is happening in the 3D. So once you affirm “I am the most attractive and magnetic person in the world.” consider it as true about yourself and validate yourself regardless of what you are experiencing in the 3D.

I will end this post with a suggestion that you should enjoy your manifestation journey. Go easy with yourself whenever you find your self reacting or have some triggers. Be there for yourself as a friend and give yourself the required support whenever required.

Your manifestations are promise to you, if you are living in the end no one can stop your manifestation and you will manifest everything you desire.

I intend this post was helpful, if any questions, you can ask them in the comment section :)

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